
Use the Bible to help Detox from mRNA COVID Vaccines

If you have been COVID (especially mRNA [micro ribonucleic acid]) vaccinated, chances are high that you have too much metal in your body and you need to detox. One way to test yourself is to take a refrigerator magnet and placed it where you have been vaccinated. Usually, people are vaccinated on the arm, about 1/2 inch below the shoulder bone, so be sure to place the magnet way up on your arm.

Disclaimer: I have no medical expertise. Take my advice with a grain of salt. Each person is different and has different need. Do pray and ask Dr. God Almighty for His Advice.

I believe that Dr. God Almighty knows far beyond what we mortal man can learn. And that His Advices given in the bible supercede advices given by scientists. The detox process is spiritual and natural.


Your spiritual health is more important than your natural health. This article focus on natural detox, but be sure not to neglect your spiritual well being.

Detox is a process. Prod, not sprint. Learn alittle here, alittle there - incorporate those learnings alittle here, alittle there.


Priority #1: Fast

Dr. God Almighty did a fantastic job of creating His Creations including us. The human body is resilient and able to fight germs, infections, etc. But we need to allow this to happen, i.e., Water-only fasting.

World Council for Health (WCH) summary leaflet on spike protein detox quotes


However God mentioned fasting long ago in His Holy Scripture.

The human body has two modes: eating and fasting. Either the body is fighting food or cleansing itself. Doctors debate or how long we should be in eating mode (i.e., 6-8 hours, 8-10 hours, variety, etc). But they all agree that we should not eat a few hours before bedtime. It takes 3-5 hours to digest foods - the first few hours are when we are burping, stomach feels heavy, etc. Also, the best time to exercise is in fasting mode (e.g., before breakfast) - the body burns fat instead of foods.

When one eats all day, the body do not have time to heal. It does not matter how much detox items the person eat if the body is always in eating mode. WCH leaflet recommends eating in 6-8 hours window. Add 3-5 hours to digest food. This implies that half of the time the person is in fasting (and healing) mode.

Side note: whenever we are sick with flu/cold/virus, we do not eat much - just sleep. Our body insist on being in fasting mode to fight off the sickness. When we fast, we preempt against sickness.

A good read on the physical aspect of fasting is

Dr. Perlmutter: Fight COVID-19, Alzheimer's, and More With This Ancient Practice
07-08-2020   Lorie Johnson

A good read on the spiritual aspect of fasting is

Reflections On The Fast
Jamie Rohrbaugh
From His Presence®

A good secular medical article on fasting is

What the Science Says About Fasting: A Low-Cost Approach to Health
Many different approaches to fasting exist. Let's look at four approaches that are often used therapeutically.
World Council for Health | Mar 14, 2024

Priority #2: Eat Healthy

It is important to eat healthy. You can eat all the detox items, but they were be nullified by your poor diet.

World Council for Health (WCH) summary leaflet on spike protein detox quotes

However, Dr. God Almighty recommended a healthy diet in His Holy Scripture long ago. Again, His Advices supercede advices from mortal man.

From the bible, learn about bible diet and Daniel fast. Unfortunately, the devil is in the detail. E.g., bible diet encourages us to drink water. But man messed the tap water and some bottled water by adding fluoride. The third article has numerous "don't". I.e., don't eat man-made sugar (e.g., cane sugar), don't eat man-made fat (e.g., poly unsaturated fatty acid [PUFA] from oxidizing oil), don't eat blood, don't drink fluoride-ridden tap water, etc.

Surf through

DuckDuckGo (DDG) search for "bible diet"

DuckDuckGo (DDG) search for "Daniel fast"

Is the food you are eating God-made or man-made?

Let the bible be the final authority on what is good for you. Concerning the media, follow the money. Ad says so-so is healthy or not bad for you, ask if there is a hidden motivation - is there a commission? who is profiting? etc.

E.g., Fat-free has been excessively promoted. Wrong! IMHO, the priority should be
  1. avoid high oxidizing seed oil including poly unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)
  2. avoid excessive man-made sugar
  3. avoid flouride in tap and some bottled water
  4. avoid eating blood
  5. avoid excessive sodium
  6. avoid extrusion from boxed cereals
  7. avoid excessive saturated fat
Medical experts debate which item is worse. Just know that all the above items are important. For more, see the article on God-made food listed earlier.

Priority #3: Spike Protein Detox

The secular world promotes spike protein detox. Much of their articles are medical-speak - difficult to understand.

World Council for Health (WCH) and Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) are two organizations in the frontline of COVID vaccines recovery. They had guides on spike protein detox for several years and constantly updating their guides. Furthermore WCH has summary leaflet and full PDF guides in many different foreign languages.

Spike Protein Detox Guide
Posted on November 30, 2021; Updated on March 14, 2024

Recovery Protocols

There are medical experts in vaccine recovery. See bottom of

Precautions against Coronavirus: ResourcesDetox


Detox is a process. One-step-at-a-time. There are many things to do. Let God's Advice given in the bible supercede man's advice.

Again, detox is a spiritual process as well as a natural process. The spiritual process is more important than the natural process.

In the natural realm, it is not clear whether detox can heal you completely - research is still going on. But detox helps reduce the negative effects of mRNA vaccine. In the spiritual realm, the answer is a resounding "YES". God is a God of the impossible and He is more than able to heal you completely. Do pray and let Him guide you.

Deut 34:7 OOYLT And Moses is a son of a hundred and twenty years when he dieth; his eye hath not become dim, nor hath his moisture fled.

Just before Israel entered the promised land, Moses had to die. He was still a youthful person even though he was 120 years old. The reason is because he spent a ridiculous amount of the time in the God's Presence. Be exhorted to spend excessive time with God (devotion, prayer, worship, etc).


The bible is a manual for all life problems. When there is a crisis, the first thing is to discern what the bible says, not rush to follow the media. Study the bible to answer questions like
  1. What the bible says about what we should eat?
  2. What the bible says about avoiding Coronavirus?
  3. What the bible says about detoxing from vaccines?
  4. What the bible says about treating prophetic words?
  5. What the bible says about living in famines?
  6. What the bible says about living in persecution?
  7. What the bible says about living in wars?
My answers are:
  1. GodMadeFood.php (Is the food you are eating God-made or man-made?; 8/19; updated 4/24)
      GodMadeFood_hindi.pdf (जो भोजन तुम खा रहे हो वह ईश्वर का बना है या मानव निर्मित है?; 10/23)
    GodMadeFood_korean.pdf (지금 먹고 있는 음식은 신이 만든 음식인가요, 아니면 사람이 만든 음식인가요?; 3/24)
    GodMadeFood_spanish.html (¿La comida que estás comiendo es hecha por Dios o hecha por el hombre?; 10/23)
  2. CoronavirusPriority.php (Priority against Coronavirus; 6/21; updated 5/22)
      CoronavirusPriority_chinese.pdf (優先對抗冠狀病毒; 5/22)
    CoronavirusPriority_hindi.pdf (कोरोना वायरस के खिलाफ प्राथमिकता; 5/22)
    CoronavirusPriority_korean.pdf (코로나 바이러스에 대한 우선 순위; 5/22)
    CoronavirusPriority_spanish.html (Prioridad contra el coronavirus; 5/22)
  3. Detox.php (Use the Bible to help Detox from mRNA COVID Vaccines; 11/23; updated 3/24)
      Detox_hindi.pdf (एमआरएनए कोविड टीकों से डिटॉक्स में मदद करने के लिए बाइबल का उपयोग करें; 11/23)
    Detox_korean.pdf (메신저 리보핵산 코로나 바이러스 백신 해독에 도움이 되는 성경 활용하기; 4/24
    Detox_spanish.html (Use la Biblia para ayudar a desintoxicarse de las vacunas COVID de ARNm; 11/23)
  4. PredictiveProphecies.php (How to Interpret "Predictive" Prophecies; 8/16; updated 4/21)
  5. Possible future article
  6. Possible future article
  7. Possible future article
Do not accept more mRNA Coronavirus vaccines - they destroy your immunity. For any vaccine, do your homework and compare your findings with the bible. For those whom are afraid of COVID-19, see

Vitamin D in the Prevention of COVID-19

This article is at

https://www.ooylt.info/OtherArticles/Detox.php (Use the Bible to help Detox from mRNA COVID Vaccines; 11/23; updated 3/24)

For some foreign translations of this article, click "Other Articles" and scroll down to this article.


Last modified on 7/20/24

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