The question is do you have to worry about your salvation. It is "Once Saved" + "Commitment to Jesus" = "Always Saved" where "Commitment to Jesus" means - having an active faith, - living a life of repentance, and - obeying the Lord. It is CONDITIONAL security based on whether you make a "Commitment to Jesus". However, a person does not need to go thru life worrying about one's salvation. If that person is willing to make a genuine "Commitment to Jesus", that person can look forward to heaven. In other words, that person should live a genuine Christian life by reading the scripture daily, praying daily, fellowshipping with other believers, walking with the Lord, repenting of sins, and serving the Lord. It is those are whom are UNCOMMITTED and those whom ABUSE God's grace by sinning WILLFULLY, whom are at risk in losing their salvation. Jesus's blood atone future sins - just do not ABUSE this fact. If you are not reading the scripture daily, I exhort you to. And if you are not correct with the Lord, I exhort you to repent and correct your relationship with Him. It is important for you to have a correct altitude toward God and peace with God. For more, read "Peace With God: an indicator (peacewithgod.txt) and "Altitude: Is yours correct with God?" (altitude.txt). ********** © Copyright 2018