
Is the food you are eating God-made or man-made? Part 2

This article is a continuation of Is the food you are eating God-made or man-made? .

The original article covers This article (Part 2) continues with

Pfizer GMO Cheese

About 90% of cheese in USA is Bio-engineered - GMO emzyme is used. Most cheese includes FPC (Fermentation-produced chymosin) rennet which is produced by Pfizer. Consumers do not see GMO because of a GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) loophole. This is a new topic for me. Below is some articles and their quotes.

You Can Thank Genetic Engineering For Your Delicious Cheese
Levi Gadye | June 15, 2015

For thousands of years, this was how we made cheese. Eventually, calf stomachs 
became a byproduct of the veal industry. But in the 1970s, America’s growing 
appetite for cheese collided with its mounting aversion to killing newborn cows. 
Anticipating a crisis of supply and demand, researchers turned to a 
then-unprecedented technology in food science: genetically modified organisms. 
The result was a genetically altered bacterium that produced cheesemaking enzymes 
in a beaker, instead of an animal’s stomach. This revolutionized the cheese 
industry. Today, the vast majority of cheese is made with enzymes produced not by 
baby animals, but genetically modified microbes.
Are There Any Cheeses That Do Not Contain Rennet?
Linda Johnson Larsen

If you want to avoid GM or GMO foods, look for the "Non-GMO product" label on the 
cheeses you buy. A cheese label that states the product is "100% Organic" or "USDA 
Organic" is helpful too, but that doesn't always mean the type of rennet used isn't 
GMO. The best way to determine if a cheese contains rennet, whether animal or 
plant-based or GMO, is to call the company and ask. 
90% of U.S. Cheese Contains GMO Made by Pfizer
Ashley Armstrong | March 6, 2024

There are four types of rennet used in the cheese-making industry: animal rennet, 
vegetable rennet, microbial rennet and FPC (a GMO version).
Rennet is used as a clotting agent to curdle the milk into cheese, separating the 
liquid parts of milk from the solids. Pfizer makes a genetically modified rennet, 
but because of a labeling loophole, cheese containing Pfizer’s rennet does not have 
to be labeled as containing a genetically modified organism.
Bioengineered FPC was granted Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) status, which 
exempted Pfizer from the pre-approved requirements that apply to other new food 
additives. This is even though studies have detailed concerns about safety.
An estimated 90% of North American cheese is made with FPC rennet, and ingredient 
labels do not distinguish between bioengineered rennet and the original 
animal-based type so consumers have no way of knowing what they’re eating.
It is bad enough that most cheese are GMO. Personally I do not trust Pfizer. They also made the COVID mRNA vaccine which killed ten of thousands of people - see here and here for numerous articles how vaccine companies did their dirty deeds. Lawsuits were diverted due to emergency status of Coronavirus. This company is unethical - making $$$ while killing people using the taxpayers' money. They pushed mRNA vaccine and FPC via loopholes despite safety concerns.

If you have been COVID mRNA vaccinated, you need to detox and rid of harmful stuffs. See Use the Bible to help Detox from mRNA COVID Vaccines. Be sure to see World Council for Health links.

The article by Linda Johnson Larsen (listed above) include a list of cheese without rennet. However, they could be GMO via loopholes. Also be careful, some cheese can have multiple way of being created (e.g. cream cheese is made using acid or rennet). [Tip: I think, but definitely not sure - if you see pectin, which is a fiber in fruit/vegetable, in the ingredient list, then acid was used. Correct me if wrong.]

A list of (mostly European) cheese that use animal rennet are

9 Best Swiss Cheeses (Guaranteed To Knock Your Socks Off)
Jonah Kincaid / 5 August 2023

46 AOP Cheeses from France (& Where To Find Them)
Jonah Kincaid / 24 January 2024 / AOP
[AOP = Appellation d’Origine Protégée]

What Type of Rennet Do We Use in Our Cheesemaking?
Simply Grassfed | March 18, 2024

Some cheese to avoid are

7 Cheese Brands to Avoid
Sammi Caramela | March 3, 2024

How to read ingredient lists and fruit stickers

Figuring out what ingredients, packaged items contain can be quite challenging. There are numerous tricks that the food industries use. Below are some articles that reveal tricks that the food industries use.

How to Read Food Labels Without Being Tricked
Aug 19, 2020 Written By Adda Bjarnadottir, MS, RDN (Ice) Edited By Frank Crooks

has various subsections including How to Read Ingredient Lists (and Find Real Food)
By Kristin Marr | October 5, 2019 Updated: February 7, 2022

has various subsections including How to Read Food Labels: Your Complete Consumer Guide
Ocean Robbins · Published September 14, 2022

has various "legal" subsections including There are trickery even among organic produces.

The Ins and Outs of Organic Food Labeling
April 28, 2024 by Dr Joseph Mercola

has various subsections including It is useful to know what those fruit labels mean.

The Hidden Meaning Behind Fruit & Vegetable Labels
Neil Gonzalez | 6/10/14 updated 9/24/15

has various subsections including How to Read Ingredient Lists
Jeannie Oliver

has rules for reading ingredient lists.

Easy Tips To Understand The Ingredient List On Food Labels
Posted on December 17, 2016 by Bethany Thayer

has tips on reading ingredient lists.

What is a PLU Code?
IFPS (The International Federation for Produce Coding)

has details on reading PLU stickers.

Some products (especially supplements and medicines) separate inactive ingredients from active ingredients. Examine closely "other ingredients".

“Other Ingredients” in Your Nutritional Supplements? Drum Roll … “No, Thank You”
Carter Trentv | A Voice for Choice Advocacy | Sep 01, 2023

I am still learning - the only advice I have is to try buy from local produce stores and farmer's markets as often as you can.

Impact on Your Health: The Disconnection Between “Fruits and Veggies” and the Nutrients They Contain
Carter Trent | A Voice for Choice Advocacy | Apr 27, 2023

Fake Meat

Fake meat is highly processed food and contains unhealthy ingredients.

Why Fake Meat Is a Problem, Not a Solution
Amy Myers, MD

Beyond Meat: Meat-Alternative Solution?
April 20, 2021 | Judy Cho

Fake meat causes health problems.

Fake Meat Is Junk Food
Dr. Joseph Mercola | November 2, 2022

Beyond Bad: Fake Meat And Other 'Ultra Processed' Vegan Food Linked To Heart Disease, Early Death
Tyler Durden | Saturday, Jun 15, 2024

Study: Plant-based fake meat linked to heart disease
Vegans, vegetarians consume more ultra-processed foods than meat-eaters
Yudi Sherman | June 14, 2024

Rat Feeding Study Suggests the Impossible Burger May Not Be Safe to Eat
Rats fed the genetically modified yeast-derived protein soy leghemoglobin – the burger’s key ingredient – developed unexplained changes in weight gain and signs of toxicity. Report by Claire Robinson and Michael Antoniou, PhD
Claire Robinson and Michael Antoniou, PhD | June 11, 2019.

Globalists are trying to push unhealthy items upon the mass. Do not fall for it.

Beyond Impossible — The Truth Behind the Fake Meat Industry
May 3, 2024 by Dr Joseph Mercola

Fake Meat: Exposing the Fallacy of Food-like Products
November 17, 2022 | A Voice For Choice Advocacy

No Surprises Behind the Fake Meat Lobby
As usual, elites are pushing a radical change so they can line their own pockets.
Itxu Diaz | Sep 26, 2023

Apeel and ProduceMaxx

Apeel is a sealant used on produces (including organic) without consumer's knowledge. It defeats the purpose of buying organic (and spending more money to avoid pesticides). This is a recently new topic (note dates of articles) - I am still learning about it.

"Apeel” Fruit and Vegetable Protective Coating Is Not So Appealing When You Break It Down
Written by Jennifer Wolff-Gillispie HWP, LC; Edited by Nicki Steinberger, Ph.D.
A Voice for Choice Advocacy | Apr 24, 2023

Beware of Apeel
Richard S Montieth | September 1, 2023

Bill Gates Owns Synthetic Fruit Coating — What’s in It?
Dr. Joseph Mercola | May 10, 2023

ProduceMaxx is a disinfectant sprayed on produces to preserve them longer. It needs to be washed off. Again, this is a recently new topic (note dates of articles) - I am still learning about it.

"ProduceMaxx": The Disinfectant Sprayed on Your Fruit and Vegetables Without Your Consent
Written by Jennifer Wolff-Gillispie HWP, LC; Edited by Nicki Steinberger, Ph.D.
A Voice for Choice Advocacy | Apr 26, 2024

What's In The Produce Misters At Sprouts Farmers Markets?
Spoiler Alert: It's not just water.
Krysten's Kitchen | Apr 08, 2024

Are Your Vegetables Sprayed With Chemicals? 10,000 Stores in Use Antimicrobial Sprays
Produce Maxx, one of the antimicrobial sprays used on fresh produce, contains hypochlorous acid, a form of free chlorine, at a concentration of 6,000 parts per million (ppm). The CDC limit for free chlorine concentrations in drinking water is only 4 ppm.
Dr. Joseph Mercola | JUNE 5, 2024

Truth About What’s Sprayed on Veggies in Grocery Stores Has People Outraged
It's not just water.
Mandi Jacewicz | Apr 9, 2024

This article is at

https://www.ooylt.info/OtherArticles/GodMadeFoodPart2.php (Is the food you are eating God-made or man-made? Part 2)

Original article is at

https://www.ooylt.info/OtherArticles/GodMadeFood.php (Is the food you are eating God-made or man-made?)

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Last modified on 8/10/24

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